New Unboxing: Try the World

Cheerio, everyone!

I hope everyone’s week is coming down to a positive note! I am incredibly proud of myself because I am now getting used to posting every Friday, like I am supposed to πŸ™‚ ! I am also super excited because I have another unboxing for you guys! This week’s unboxing will be from, as you can tell from the title of this post, Try the World!

If you guys don’t know, Try the World is a box subscription that is sent out once every two months. Each box is created with a theme of a country, such as France, Argentina, or Morocco and each box is curated by a celebrated chef, handpicking 6-7 delicacies of that country. The cost isΒ $39/box if you go month-by-month ($39/1 box every two months), $35/box if you subscribe for 6 months ($105/3 boxes in the course of those months), or $33/box if you subscribe for 12 months ($198/6 boxes in the course of those months). This may seem a bit pricey, but I know they have recently lowered down their prices, which is really nice because I know that they used to be way more expensive than they are now. I also know that with the prices that you’re paying for, it’s guaranteed that everything is authentic and of good quality. It’s also super fun to open!

My box is a little different, however. I was offered a FREE trial box, and when I saw this offer in my email, I completely signed up right away, because who doesn’t like free things? From what I observed, everything in my box are food items that are sort of “leftovers” and are products that are going to expire soon. This also means that there is no particular theme for this box. I received a tracking number on April 30 and it came straight to my door on May 2, so that was an AMAZINGLY quick delivery, might I say! So enough with the blah blah, LET’S GET INTO THIS!

The first thing that stood out to me was the packaging! WOW! I have seen videos for Try the World and am always impressed by the mint colored box. Now that I actually get to see it and feel it in person, it just blows my mind as to how much care and attention to detail they put in creating the box.


Inside, there were A LOT of brightly colored squiggles! Those are always fun to play with. Once I took the majority of the squiggles off, I was amazed at the amount of products I received! I got about 10 items, but a lot of them were doubled items, which you will see later. Also, this unboxing will not have reviews for the products since I have not tried them yet. Instead, I will be simply showing you what is inside!


The first item that popped out to me was this Domaine des Vignes Whole Grain Mustard [Product of France]. I am someone who absolutely LOVES mustard, and I know that I will be getting a lot of uses for this. There’s also a smaller label on here that says All Natural, which is always a plus!


The next item that I will be showing you is the Francesca Di Monte Red Pesto [Product of Italy]. Once again, Try the World must really know me well because I adore pesto! Any kind of pesto! This particular pesto is tomato-based and is gluten free and all natural.


The third item is a little .2 fl oz packet of Urbani White Truffle Oil [Product of Italy]. This excited me so much because the first thing that came into my mind when I saw this item was truffle oil fries! I had some delicious ones in a French patisserie earlier in the year and they were so delicious! I know using the tiniest bit of truffle oil will go a long way, so this small packet is just perfect! I can’t wait to use it! It says it would be perfect to use on salads, meats, fish, and pasta.


The next product is Henaff’s French Pork Pate de campagne [Product of France]. This really reminds me of SPAM. I actually like SPAM, but if I eat too much of it, I will a) get really bloated and b) almost throw up. But with just a little bit in between two slices of bread, it is definitely a quick pick-me-up lunch.


Next are two individual packs of Rip van Wafels’ Amsterdam Wafels in Traditional and Cocoa Filled [Product of Holland/Made in Canada]. I know I have definitely had these before, and these were pretty good. Each waffle has some sort of filling inside it. The traditional has this kind of syrup-y type of filling in it while the cocoa one obviously has cocoa in it. The waffle itself is soft and chewy. The package even gives you instructions as to how to eat it in order to maximize the experience, which is super cute! It also says that the products have no artificial flavors, no trans fat, no high fructose corn syrup, and no preservatives.


The next two items are from GuyLian and they are the Artisanal Belgian Chocolates [Product of Belgium]. Each pack comes with two pieces of “Luxuriously Rich & Creamy Belgian Chocolate Truffles with Signature Hazelnut Filling”. I am super excited to try these because I just love trying out different kinds of chocolates. I mean, just look at my post for my international chocolates haul πŸ˜‰ .


Finally, the last two items are Matcha Love Green: Sweetened and Unsweetened [Product of Japan]. I’m not really a green tea drinker, I’m more of a chai tea lover, but I will still give these a try. It says it is made with REAL Matcha, which is awesome. We don’t want any fake people here.


So that is it! Those are all the 10 items in my Free Trial Try the World Box! This subscription box is definitely a must try! I personally, won’t be able to keep up with the payments, because it is a little too expensive for me, but it is something that I will be investing in to buy for at least two months in the future, especially if the box is themed with a country that I am especially interested in! So I hope that you guys will give Try the World a chance AT LEAST ONCE. If you are somebody who loves trying out new food, are interested in traveling, and like learning about different snacks and cuisines, this is the box for you! You guys will not regret it!

I hope to see you all next Friday for another post! Enjoy your weekend, and be safe!


Strawberry Turtle ❀